Anyone that knows me knows that I love a good costume, so when I client of mine asked me to take on the challenge of creating a Lydia costume I jumped at the chance.
Like a lot of children from the 90's I was introduced to Beetlejuice through a Saturday morning cartoon show. Later in my teens I went on to discover the movie by Tim Burton that originally influenced the cartoon. So when my client ask I was more then happy to oblige.
You can follow these steps if you'd like to make a halloween costume, or some cosplay fun. You can also follow Steps 1-4 to make yourself a great poncho!
Let's get started
1. I laid the fabric on the floor so that I could measure and plan out the shape before I cut it. When I got the shape cut on one side, to avoid making any mistakes I used the scrap fabric to duplicate the same thing on the opposite side.